Neoregelia Bromeliads

Depending on the cultivar, the wide, strappy leaves can be spotted, mottled, banded, have lighter margins, or be randomly variegated in colors like red, pink, copper, purple, brown, or green. The plants can be as small as just a few inches tall or a bit over a foot.

Light Requirements

In order to develop brightly colored leaves, these plants must receive enough light. While they might survive in low light, they will be dull and lack contrast. Too much sun can scald the leaves.

If you opt to plant in a pot, choose a small one with good drainage. Remember, the roots are primarily used for support, and they’re prone to rot. A large pot increases the likelihood of overwatering and root rot.

Soil Requirements

Because these plants are epiphytes, they can’t tolerate heavy soil. An orchid or cactus medium is best. Look for something with a pH between 5.0-6.0.

These plants don’t have the tall flower spikes that some other genera do. Instead, their inflorescences form inside or just above the cup at the center of the basal rosette of leaves. The blossoms are small and inconspicuous and are typically white or purple.

Water Requirements

These plants have a water gathering and holding cup at the center of the leaves. These are known as cups, urns, or tanks, and they make watering straightforward.