Black Spots on  Jade Plant

A Jade with black spots could be an indication of some severe or not-so-serious issues with your plant. Some of the more typical causes include: – Overwatering – Excessive humidityFungal disease or bacteriaInsect infestation – Injury


Too much water for this species can create black spots. This condition is known as edema. It will happen when the plant’s roots soak up more water than the plant can use efficiently, rupturing the plant’s cells and creating soft, squishy areas that turn dark.

Excessive Humidity

Although this succulent is a vibrant tropical plant, they do not require humid environments as other plants prefer. A room with 30 to 50% humidity is ideal for optimal growth.

Fungal Disease Or Bacteria

Sometimes brown spots on a Jade plant or darkening areas indicate the beginning of fungal disease or bacteria on its leaves. Remember that anytime you suspect a fungal disease or bacteria problem, use care when handling and trimming the plant of its affected areas.

Insect Infestation

If you notice tiny black spots on a Jade plant, you should be looking for an insect infestation. Some common bugs you may find on your plant that will cause black spotting may include: – Aphids – Spider Mites


Occasionally if a Jade plant sustains an injury to the leaves, it will create black spots. Children and pets can bump, scratch, or pinch the leaves, damaging the internal cells and causing soft areas that will turn brown and black.

Can I save a Jade plant with black spots?